Are Dental Implants right for you?
Please join us on May 9th at 7 p.m. for a FREE public lecture about Dental Implants. Dr. Kate Bazydlo and her staff at Winston Churchill Dental...
Please join us on May 9th at 7 p.m. for a FREE public lecture about Dental Implants. Dr. Kate Bazydlo and her staff at Winston Churchill Dental...
Congratulations to our April birthday draw winner *Beata Drozdz* Celebrating a birthday this month? Don’t miss out! Enter now for your chance to...
We are excited to inform you that we now offer financing for dental procedures through Desjardins financing. Depending on your circumstance and...
Never thought you’d hear that from a Dentist did you? As it turns out, when it comes to soft drinks and your pearly whites, the sugar content...
Winston Churchill Dental would like to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season! All the best and be safe. Also, a big congratulations to our...
It is with great pleasure that Winston Churchill Dental announces its participation in the annual Basketeers charity organization for the 4th...
A special thank you to the Pacheco Family for presenting Winston Churchill Dental with a team jersey! We are very proud of each and every player...
Please join us on May 9th at 7 p.m. for a FREE public lecture about Dental Implants. Dr. Kate Bazydlo and her staff at Winston Churchill Dental...
Maintaining a healthy smile can be easy and fun! Be sure to visit the Preventive Oral Hygiene section under “Our Dentistry”. Here you...
Winston Churchill Dental recently took part in a charity fundraiser for the Make A Wish Canada Foundation. It was a great success and an even...
Be our friend… Winston Churchill Dental and Dr. Kate Bazydlo have become part of the Facebook family. We would like to take this opportunity...
Winston Churchill Dental would like to wish all its students a safe and successful school year. We’re sure you have all settled in nicely...
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